
You know, it's hard to approach games that have a cult following such as Silent Hill and express your thoughts without sounding like a contrarian, so let me go on a tangent that will eventually bounce back to the topic at hand.

I don't like Fist Of The North Star. I am greatly aware of it's influences in Shonen and manga across it's 40 year legacy, but even if I discount the fact that everything after Raoh is padded out dog water, the overall portrayal of masculinity feels like it grows farther and farther from what current standards of what encompasses being manly. We've grown past the whole "men should die in wars because women can't fend off for themselves" idea of masculinity as we came to terms that being manly nowadays means going to the gym and making dick jokes with the boys and how we can still be men without killing ourselves over menial causes.

Of course you might say "Takumi, that's neither here or there, is it? It's easy to dislike Fist Of The North Star when every single one of the series you consider better has directly taken inspiration from it's themes and brought it into contexts that strike a stronger chord with you."

See that's the thing, I have read mangas books and films that date even further back than FotNS and I still had plenty of fun like Ashita No Joe, Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix or what have you. What might age badly in someone's eyes has not so much in particular with how old the product is, but what one considers outdated by design and personal preference.

It is hard to get over the Seinfeld is Unfunny effect when everything about Silent Hill 2 has been overdone to death by modern horror games. And while that is not exactly SH2's fault, It also has kickstarted a lot of tropes I tend to hate in survival horror games, particularly walking aimlessly around empty towns and solving menial puzzles that would take a tenth of it's time if I didn't have to go on fetch quests to find the items to even get started on solving said puzzles. Honestly I would go as far to say that games such as Amnesia, Fatal Frame and even Outlast have remedied this problem by ironing out the inherent boredom that SH gave us.

What seemed subtle at the time is now a by the numbers story that surprises no one even if they play it blindly. And aside from the predictable story, what else is there to enjoy at Silent Hill? The Voice Acting where everyone sounds as uninterested as I was when playing? The puppets on a string cutscene animations? The clunky combat?

Silent Hill does not offend, but it certainly does not impress.

Reviewed on Sep 14, 2023


7 months ago

puta merda sojou demais.

7 months ago

@Weltschermzz ^ Fã médio de Soja Hill quando para de tomar seus remédios pra esquizofrenia

7 months ago

@Takumi nao entendeu.

7 months ago

0 argumentos, contra fatos e lógica não há resposta

7 months ago

@Weltschermzz voce indignado como se a experiencia individual dele devesse ser a mesma de todas as pessoas que experienciam a obra de arte. nao existe unanimidade, cara. tu poderia ter entrado no campo das ideias e levantado seu ponto invés disso - talvez ate faria ele enxergar com outros olhos

@Takumi like+follow. por puro achismo meu, pensei que a ultima coisa que voce menos gostaria fosse o combate (julgando por uma olhada rapida no seu perfil). pessoalmente acho ele assertivo no que faz; no sh1 eu tive um processo de adaptaçao um pouco mais lento, se voce me entende

7 months ago

@Gaba_ Obrigado pela compreensão! É sempre intimidador falar negativamente de obras com certo aclamo porque mesmo tomando cuidado pra não pisar em casca de ovo e implicando a subjetividade sempre há uma margem de má fé a ser tomada. Realmente queria ter gostado mais do jogo e da história e não invalido a experiência de quem gosta, mas não pude deixar de ver a obra como em muitos quesitos, básica até quando comparada a sua prequel.