2 Reviews liked by TallFilth

I loved how all the dopefish secrets were shoved into the third level instead of the obligatory and oh-so important swimming sections. You can tell that the folX at the Texas branch of Zenimax are big fans of Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure and just prior id games in general, hence why they went above and beyond in making sure that DOOM 2016 2 plays more like their renowned PS2 classics (namely God of War and Ratchet & Clank). All my favorite parasocial friends on youtube purport that this is a genuine evolution of the FPS genre and I have to agree. DOOM 2016 already removed any and all downsides from the super shotgun and the railgun thanX to instant weapon switching canceling their reload/recovery but this time there's an epic adversary (u know the one) made to tutorialize this particular feature for dummies so it's quite the revolution, just like this game's trademark resource management mechanics. It's quite unlike old mindless shooters, nothing can actually attrition the player's health (which now also comes in a green variety on top of the garden variety blue) and replenishing your ammo supply is a mere button press & an invulnerability granting chainsaw animation away, and your grenades are of course tied to cooldowns, all of which applies to DOOM 2016 also but nevermind that. The end result is a really really deep and challenging action game where you delete everything in sight with your powerweapons+bloodpunch as you CC enemies into helpless ice statues and always have Godmode at hand thanks to the chaingun shield, but if that isn't enough you also have the BFG and instakill laz0r sword to even things out (although your score multiplier and style rating gets lowered if you use those, as we all know). Also CHAD Mossholder completely outdoes himself here by making the super shotgun have zero oomph to the point that the SFX of picking up a single armor shard drowns it out, which is quite impressive If You Ask Me.

painful, torturous. tedious among other things. it depicts a decent into madness like I've never seen before; if you can manage to slog your way through it, the experience alone is worthwhile. It was awful, but I look back on it fondly.

this game offers the best experience of a dooming apocalypse, a decent into hell, madness upon the world; death need not be the end of hope. But do the watchers laugh too? sing with me, sing! Lalalala