Shadow of the Colossus is a great a really great game it has awesome graphics one of the best on PS2 and the music is just fantastic. And the games boss battles are really the highlight of this game and very well done provide a very good and a unique experience. All that being said SOTC is not without its problems first of all the game's story is not that good you would expect a game like this to have a better story the game just throws things at you in the beginning without any knowledge of whats happening no background of the characters and their story which is very important in a lot of games. You bring your dead girlfriend to a place where Dormin a Demon or Entity tells him to kill 16 Colossus to revive his girlfriend which does not make sense first of why would the main character believe Dormin so quickly and how can be trust that Dormin is doing this to help himself and just listens to him and agree to kill the 16 Collosus. Sorry to say but the story could have been presented better the player should have been let in more in the background of the characters and even the Collosus and why they need to be sacrificed it would have just added to the game's story and made the players understand the story better and get into the characters but the lack of backgrounds and information just kills that connection. The controls could have been assigned better as well the controls for riding the horse and running around is fine but when it comes to climbing the collosus and using the bow arrow the games controls are just messed up and they cause some problems and frustrations during the boss fights which kind of hurt the overall experience. My main problem with the game is the long travelling to find the Colossus all that could take really long and get boring using your sword to find your destinations does not work so well and it could be misleading just increasing the amount of time you spend looking for the Colossus it would have been so much better if the map was just marked with the destination. I would not have had the problems with the long travelling if the place had some life forms in the areas that could have made those long rides less boring and fun to an extent. Since this game is marred by these problems it is not perfect so therefore I do not think it deserves the reception it got it is being called an amzzing master piece, greatest game of of the last generation, greatest game of the decade. I do not think this game deserves any of those merits because it is just not that amazing or mind-blowing it is not even the best game on the PS2 but that is just my honest opinion. Still in the end I would like to say that SOTC is a great game which provides a very different and unique experience which no game can be compared to it was nice to see the developers try something this brave and different not worrying about falling flat of their faces and getting negative criticism but just trying it sure the concept of this game before it came out sounded really tedious but its nice to say that the developers managed to take this different and unique formula and made a great game out of it.

Reviewed on May 31, 2022
