5 reviews liked by Tappertheidiot

Genuinely rly awesome! I had a really great time with a couple of friends going thru every area looking for every collectable and stuff. It's packed with references that even I missed sometimes as someone that watches vinesauce pretty avidly, but even then the npc dialogue is really great on its own and you could definitely jump into this and have fun even if you haven't watched vinesauce. It's free on itch.io, so go play this! its really awesome.

implying time travel stories were ever good

this game is just so fucking beautiful that it's engraved in my brain even though I played it years ago.

The best simulation racing game that will ever exist. The technological and licensing circumstances that led to this game will never happen again.

The game's presentation conveys a hushed, reverent worship of the automobile and motorsports. It's a classy, understated magnificence that no other racing game has come close to capturing. It also functions really well as a virtual museum of car history.

Shame the progression is so wonky and cheeseable.

gt4 fans when they break coffee idk

how does this game's barebones online mode has better netcode than all the racing games today?