this game is a masterpiece and is my favorite game of all time i made so many memories as a kid fighting akrid in the improved from the first games vast environments and settings i will always have fun with this and cant wait to return to it when i get my xbox later in the year i will replay it all and not stop having fun i think that this games over the top enthusasum with the combat and themes makes this so much better and it takes on a serious tone of survival and completing the mission on such a extreme planet while you play along with your team to grapple onto giant space bugs and destroy their t-eng sacks its so much fun

its alr rlly big fan service game fun to screw around in

pretty dull and lackluster in comparison to its sequel but still a fun play with an interesting story

super fun to play with friends and family

amazing probably the best wii game

what even is the kinect bru

favorite Lego game it has a great theme and atmosphere

amazing Lego game very expansive and fun

very under appreciated Lego game

great play and the beginning to great Lego games

amazing story and great gameplay for its time

first cod i played and very memorable