this game is absolutely amazing this is 100% the best game in the tekken series and possibly the best fighting game ever.
its actually so refreshi ng to see that they made a great story for a tekken game and i mean i blasted through it having the time of my life. THAT FINAL BATTLE WAS UNCOMPARABLE

im yet to get too far into the multiplayer but i plan on getting the platinum trophy so im sure i will get sucked into that scene of the game soon enough but i have played a match or two and it was great.

i highly recommend this game to everyone

I LOVE THIS GAME its so refreshing and while i will continue to play it further i think i have seen everything i need to to make a review, i love what the community has done and how the share the excitement of the game its so motivating to go in and liberate
i would bring up the server issues but the dev teams is so on to it and seem to have fixed everything
i can see this game leading a bright future in the slump of games we have had this last year
10/10 i recommend this for everyone

this is a great horror game thats filled with gore its full of lore and has some nice details but wear it lacks is its gameplay, get a key, run, be scared, it does the atmosphere extremely well and it is the second scariest game ive ever played the first being this games sequel but it does get a tad repetitive all in all this is a great game to play while you screen share with some friends or too play with a partner.

one of the best stories ive ever seen this game is a true masterpiece

this game is a buggy broken mess and it drags on with a story that makes no sense the only enjoyable part of this god forsaken game is the mediocre combat i do recommend playing it to give it a try as it is a classic but definitely play it with a friend

to start this off, this game is so long it has taken me 5 or so months to beat and yes that took away from my enjoyment but to be fair the length has to be the only thing i dislike about this game., other than that everything about this game is to be loved the combat is so graceful and impactful the voice acting is PEAK and the boss fights are something to be studied by philosophers to find out HOW THEY WERE MADE WITH SUCH CARE AND ENJOYMENT i think i have only ever been this ramped up and hyped fighting bosses with the souls games. what truly makes this game great is the story. this is the second final fantasy game ive played to completion and its my favorite of the 2 with the first being ff15 the character building motives and just everything is so great. i can say proudly that in the finaly sequence of the game in the last mission i genuinely cried and i think that it had so much build up and did not let down. i will be playing the dlc one day but not for a while. all in all i recommend this game to final fantasy lovers, rpg lovers, dmc fans but i do not recommend this game to someone who has a very busy life as you do need to put a lot of time into this game 9/10

this game is such an innovative and inspiring rouge like i have so much fun playing this with my friends and i really admire the lore and every little detail that is in this game i will definitely be dumping serval more hours into it

this is my second favourite season of twd games and nobody can tell me other wise

Most boring expansion to ever excist I'd rather be get a lobotomy