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I'm so disappointed that I've been unable to get into this game. Aside from the excellent soundtrack, for me the 3DS games are in another league of quality entirely. The visual charm and polish of those earlier entries is gone: traded for choppy animations, FPS drops, and long load times, with motion blur on everything as a coverup. The voice acting doesn't measure up at all. The pacing and combat is surprisingly frustrating: you can get to a point where you're comfortable with the area's mobs and then still get totally blown out by bosses, with no answers in sight. Even the usual JRPG answer of "just grind" doesn't offer much in the way of satisfaction. I'm sitting here 15 hours in wondering if a power spike or cool new job is ever coming, but I think unfortunately I'm done waiting. Bravely Default and Bravely Second brought a ton to the table 10 years ago that made turn-based JRPG feel new again. This game feels like a step backwards in comparison.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2023
