I have a strange feeling about Valorant. The three first things to say are :
- I HATE counter strike. Like really. Aside from DayZ, I consider it the worst game I ever played.
- I like Valorant 100000000 times more than CS. Does that mean I like Valorant ? No.
- Considering I dislike CS, I knew I did'nt like Valorant's genre before launching it.

As a consequence of these three considerations, I consider my opinion on this game absolutely pointless. A lot of people felt something with these titles I never and will certainly never ever felt, I think their opinion will be much more interessting than mine.

This being said. I think Valorant's better than CS for one simple thing : it overall feels much more like a game. First thing : the appereance. From chara design to world building, colors and themes, everything is much more appealing, looks much more like an actual game and is farther from reality, which is a huge advantage considering CS is about terrorism. Second thing : the gameplay. Aside from an asymetrical economy, everything in Valorant is more diverse, more audacious, more creative. In one word : better. It even is more balanced (because let's be honest one second, CS' AK is totally broken). As a matter of fact, even the economy is better overall (but not as audacious as CS' because not asymetrical).

Thus, CS and Valorant share the same core. This core is, in my opinion, one of the saddest action shooting game ever made. It features a broken balistique, a skinny movement set, an absolute interdiction to have fun by moving and shooting at the same time, a ton of pseudo-strategers overthinking an action game that relies on randomness, a stupid gunset insulting shotguns and explosives as game objects, a very old character controler (I state it considering I regulary play games from the 90s), tons of waiting moment that will remember you your best waiting rooms memories and a lot, I mean a LOT of untolerable frustration hidden behind the competitive aspect of the game.

You've understand it : I do NOT recommand you playing either CS either Valorant. Yet, if you want to discover the genre, which is a mindset I scincerly encourage, then I suggest you play Valorant instead of CS.

But let's be honest, if you want a good action shooter, you better play Halo, Left 4 Dead, TF2, HL2 deathmatch and much more...

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2023
