Constant backtracking around unlit, labyrinthian locales looking for the One Object that progresses the story. Maybe it's in a previously visited room, you can't know because, while the map is lousy with batteries and "spare parts", key items are often squirreled away from your prying eyes.

Speaking of eyes and their prying; I haven't a CLUE what (detective?) Carl Faubert is doing here and the game is not interested in telling me. No clear end goal for the player results in a game loop of "just doing shit 'til the game is over".

In the end I got tired of spending 50% of my playtime wandering aimlessly and circuitously through samey corridors because I couldn't magically intuit the right way to go with zero hints.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024

1 Comment

30 days ago

100% agree the lack of motive was what really made me lost interest in finishing this