Always looking for new and interesting games, or at least games with a fresh take on an old format. Can appreciate the classics even if I don't strictly enjoy them.
That being said I am an attention deficit novelty seeking gremlin with an explosion addiction 🤔
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South Scrimshaw
South Scrimshaw

Apr 20

Dead Cells
Dead Cells

Apr 19

Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2

Apr 10

Doronko Wanko
Doronko Wanko

Apr 10


Apr 10

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When this game is good, it is so good.

I was addicted to Super House of Dead Ninjas in 2018, a game that prioritises moving fast as hell and smashing up dudes with a completely empty head. Sometimes Dead Cells reaches these heights; in fact, the time-sensitive aspect of some bonuses and powerups suggests that this is in the design brief for the game. Getting the right combo of weapons makes the experience almost transcendental as you annihilate all comers with dexterity and poise.

When this game is bad, it is so bad.

The above being said; after Dead Cells has taught you to go in Fast and Hard (heheheheh), leaning into momentum and combo-stacking, the brakes are pumped. Enemies that will punish rushing in become more numerous. Combinations of enemies packed into a tight space that you simply cannot clear without taking a lot of damage become more frequent. You will unlock weapons whose high damage does NOT justify their huge vulnerability window.

When this game is much, it is so much.

My first stint with Dead Cells was in early 2020 and there was a shedload of content even then. Now in 2024 with all the DLCs and collabs and tie-ins it is bursting at the seams with content. Too much. It's too much. Thematically random areas. Weapons upon weapons upon weapons that makes it hard to create a cohesive build. Runs that take well over an hour. Exhausting.

Dead Cells is great; but is it good?

A fictitious nature documentary about whales on an alien planet not dissimilar from Earth, told through a series of beautiful images. I thought the art was really good and the narrative of the documentary (including the various asides) was believable and compelling in a way that sci-fi often fails to be without being clinical and boring.

What let South Scrimshaw down a little for me is the AI narration. At points it was glaringly obvious, different voices having different pronunciations of the same word and the main narrator slipped from a British accent into an Australian one on a few rare occasions that made it clear I was not listening to a human. I feel like it shouldn't have been that hard to find people willing to lend their voices to this.

What order did I play the Resident Evil games in? I’m glad you asked!

RE 4 “(2005)” - wow yes nice but so weird
RE “HD” - retro, I like it. Scary af in places
RE 7 - FPP in a classic Evil Residence setting chef’s kiss
RE 5 - trying to blend in too much cover shooter bullshit
RE 6 - see RE 5 except it outstays its welcome about 3x over

So here we are, the RE2make? REmake 2? Resident Evil 2 HD? whatever.

It’s good, like really good. Classic survival horror vibe in that you’re essentially just solving puzzles in a building full of dickheads who want to bite you. Losing the fixed camera in lieu of an over-the-shoulder-view hasn’t lessened the feeling of dread as you squeak open a door, hoping the Licker in the next corridor is on coffee break, Mr. X’s footsteps pant-shittingly close.

Leading me into one of my nitpicks, sometimes the AI doesn’t really play fair. Mr. X occasionally just haunts the corridors immediately outside the safe room you’re in which can be flow breaking when you’re just trying to get shit done. He also seems to haul ass to corral me into rooms with Lickers in. I don’t know if this is on purpose but it is very annoying.

The story is kind of a non-point, it’s barely coherent enough to support most of the characters' motives but I’ll take a good game with a bad plot over the opposite. Playing the game twice with maybe 10% different content and story beats just to get to the “True Ending” felt a little jarring to me. I touched on RE 6 outstaying its welcome and R2make really cut it close for me.

Ultimately I had fun with Resident Remake 2: Evil; controls are tight and predictable, enemy variety is enough for a game of this size and boss encounters are usually reasonable (even if they only seem to appear when you’re least prepared). Do I want to soak up all the extra content? Not immediately and I think that is telling enough.