Unparalleled mass murder simulator
Highly recommend

Temporal black hole that is slowly killing me

P5R's writing feels like it was a tug of war between passionate artists who cared about telling a good story, and cynical executives who were trying to write something safe and inoffensive. The end result is a contradictory mess that failed to keep me engaged.

Also, the additional content in Royal trips over itself and falls on its face trying to introduce moral complexity to the story. Maruki did nothing wrong.

Short and sweet ARPG with a unique grid based progression system
Authentically infuses the tone of Diablo 2 with Pacific Island culture

Game breaking bugs and shallow resource management
In 2008 this would have been a flash game you could play for free in your browser

Outstanding atmosphere and world building
There isn't enough pulpy sci-fi action in media that hits all the notes that Mass Effect does