There's a reason why this game all but single-handedly made the Switch into a must-buy console on Day 1.

Perhaps the boldest launch title since Super Mario 64 came bounding onto the scene, Breath of the Wild was a meteoric splash in the open-world genre, proving that the biggest joy to be found in a world is actually exploring it.

It's a game that puts total agency in the player's hands, trusting their innate sense of adventure to guide them through a beautiful and desolate world. Every inch of this massive world felt purposeful, every second of discovery rewarded and encouraged.

The passage of time and the release of its sequel has made Breath of the Wild's flaws more apparent but despite this, it remains a spell-binding experience, especially on the first playthrough. The scope of its world and freedom of its structure is rare even today.

If you need a game to get completely, joyfully lost in for a couple of hundred hours, this game may very well be your best option.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
