This game must have went through development hell similar to FF15 or something because it's rough around the edges. Square Enix just doesn't do it like they used to and it's sad.

1. Graphics are great. At times I feel like GOW Ragnarok looks a smidge better, but its very close.
2. The music is good, but not the best in the series.
3. The abilities you can use are really fun to just use in general. Very flashy and feel good.
4. The story, although very slow, if you keep with it does get really good. With every Final Fantasy game it falls off at the very end with abstract fighting God stuff.
5. The voice acting is great.
6. Sound design is great. With surround sound it is a bit weird that background sounds from explosions or characters talking behind you get crazy loud.

1. The story is way too slow and too long. So much standing around nothing happening. I must have ADHD or something but man it was hard to sit through all those cutscenes. At times the game showed too much of the little stuff like it wanted to be an MMORPG at one point.
2. The combat feels as simple as Dynasty Warriors, and when you later in the game get a bunch of abilities it feels like about all you are doing is spamming abilities instead of auto attacking because that's just the better thing to do. You just press square four times then triangle for a fire blast when auto attacking and dodge when you are about to get hit. I'm fine with the combat being simple, but when the enemies are as much of sponges as they are it makes for long and boring fights.
3. The side quests are typical filler content you find in MMOs. I did them at first until they bored me and I never looked back. I never regretted it too because the main story has filler main quests you have to do that feel like were there to pad the game out more than it needed.
4. Why in the crap can I not run with a button at any time? This also made the game very slow. Only time you can run is when you get to an open area and are jogging for a few seconds. I see reasons why they did it this way, but it sucks overall for the speed of the game. I think this is another game that was either not optimized well enough for the PS5, or it pushes the system too far. I believe if you could just run at any time that even with performance mode on the frames would drop due to you moving too fast and the game not being able to keep up generating things. I believe it's also done to let everyone in the story say the lines they are scripted to say, so you do not move too fast and get into a cutscene that stops them in the middle of their sentence (I did not do the side quest to unlock a chocobo and just found out you could get one by doing a certain side quest, so I am not sure if that would have fixed this issue of mine. This quest should have been part of the main story but ah well).

Before I got to the middle of the game I was contemplating giving this a 3 out of 5, but the story made me rethink things. It ain't the best ever I've experienced, but it's serviceable with some good stuff in it.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
