Honestly one of the best 3D Sonic games ever made, which isn't a high bar. I've wanted for a long time to be able to go Sonic speed in open areas, and I finally got just that.

The story is a confusing mess until the end, and it felt like they were trying to tell a dark one but were censored midway through development, so it just felt unfinished.
I think having to get enough spheres for different characters to progress the story was bogus and padding and should not have been there.
The final boss was very underwhelming.
The game is janky at times, but that's what you're getting yourself into with a 3D Sonic game, they've always been janky.
Not worth full price, but definitely worth trying out. It's like playing Dynasty Warriors, you'll love it at first and then get bored after 30 minutes to 2 hours and want to put it down.

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2023
