I remember first playing this game in early access back a couple of years ago and remember quite enjoying it. Upon further reflection, I played Postal III so maybe I was a bit biased when RWS was working on this one again.

Postal 4 is supposed to be the sequel to the "Worst Game Ever", that being Postal 2 since RWS doesn't want to mentioned Postal III (despite constantly mocking it every chance they get). Postal 2 is a very polarizing game. It's not really that funny in terms of writing, but I did find it completely engaging because of how self-aware the comedy was and plus because of the gameplay being so ridiculous that I couldn't help but love it. Postal 4 looked like it was going back to that style but now in a more "janky" and "glitchy" direction. The main problem with Postal 4 though is that it's boring. Nothing exciting ever happens from my knowledge. I only played the first two days (Monday and Tuesday) before uninstalling it from my computer.

The city of Edensin is bland. True there are peds walking around the streets and you can enter stores and buildings, but there's no peds inside the buildings leading to nothing but empty spaces. And getting around to it is so tiring. True there are fast travel but the time it takes for them to work due to the game's long and ridiculous loading times, is equal to how far you drive in those scooters, which are the only source of vehicles of transportation in the game. RWS did say they're gonna add in new vehicles in the game...which they should have done at the full release but whatever.

Performance was another issue people had with the game. I never really ran into that many problems though. The closest I got was when the game crashed when I was loading an autosave (which I was gonna close the game anyway and uninstall it around that time anyway). The AI is also sort rotten, mostly applying to enemies. I never encountered a bunch of glitches. I only got a sewer rat floating in mid air, an NPC having an issue just trying to sit down on a chair, and when riding my scooter I just clipped through some of the NPC's when trying to run them over.

Postal 4 doesn't feel like a proper sequel to Postal 2, rather more like a cheap bootleg ripoff of the game. It's not as bad as other gaming journalists make it out to be, but if we are comparing this game to Postal 2, it doesn't even come close to it. Just play Postal 2 instead.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2022
