A better work of fiction about other dimensions then Sonic Prime (I haven't seen Sonic Prime and I don't want to).

Even though Wrath of Cortex was only fine at best due to it being a worse version of 3 from what I played, this game surpasses it in every way imaginable and its a natural evolution from 3. I did play a good amount of this game 2 years ago but I was turned of by the fact that its extremely hard to break all the boxes and the levels were long. Now that I finally decided to play it casually its straight up amazing, though unlike 2 and 3, I'm satisfied with one normal playthrough at the moment the game gets very hard but not too unfair. Also I heard its a nightmare to 106% and I don't want to ruin this game for myself and waste hundreds of hours. But if this game is this good then imagine what Spyro 4 will be like.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024

1 Comment

5 months ago

my completionist ass will not let me play this game casually and it's a nightmare to 100%