If you've seen my reviews of other games, you'll know they are usually pretty long most of the time, but I don't think this one will be.

River City Girls Zero is a pretty good way of how you set up a past game that was never localized and bringing it over into the side series that is now well known. As a game this was a decent of not repetitive time, like the story stood out to me as you using Kunio and Riki and learning more about them if you aren't familiar with the River City Ransom game and only played River City Girls then this will be interesting, but you played River City Ransom, this kinda feels like a sort of sequel to that game, but tied into the River City Girls series. it's weird to explain.

Basically it's an okay old beat'em up, wish it did a little more but it is a faithful port of an old game, the best part of it is the River City Girls cutscenes and tie-ins that made it worth it in the end. If you can find it cheap and like old school beat em ups then go for it, it's good for that, if you just want to see the link between the River City series to the Girls then you can likely just watch the cutscenes on Youtube or read the story and be fine and not miss much.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022
