I firmly believe that P4 is the weakest entry in the series. Compared to even just 3 and 5 I feel like this game is just so dry. The overarching plot is interesting but it takes HOURS to get anywhere at all. When you get into the meat of the game, you're met with a cast of one-dimensional anime tropes that don't really grow as a unit, and instead have their own social links that help develop their characters. Personally this really bothers me about 4 and 5 because it feels like the main story and the events taking place don't have much of an effect on the cast and their only true pursuit for their "true selves" is optional in a game about finding your true self. You meet a character, they dump all their sparknnotes on you, you fight a shadow, they say it's not them, rinse and repeat until the party is fully made and we can move on. It all just feels like a means to an end rather than a group actively trying to come together from nothing and make a team that becomes something. It doesn't help that the group is generally not the most likeable. I think Yosuke and Yukiko are some of the most annoying characters in the series and I just can't get past them. Teddie is ok tho, he grew on me but he has his moments where he's better off not talking.

I dunno, maybe I'm being to harsh but I feel like if the characters were more involved with the story outside of "they were thrown into the tv by the killer and now they have a persona so they're gonna help you now" would've made this more engaging. An overall mediocre experience with much dated dungeon crawling mechanics with a story that doesn't make up for its shortcomings. It's insane that a game that looks and sounds this good can feel this empty to me.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024


3 months ago

I plan to play P4 when I've finished with the one I've got on the go. Totally new to the franchise so I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised 😅

3 months ago

@dreamburger_ Personally Persona 3 is my favorite, and I definitely recommend playing Reload! P4 is a lot of people's favorite's, but it really just doesn't do anything for me at all. The vibe is great but if you're looking for an interesting JRPG with compelling and engaging combat play any other game in the series.

3 months ago

@ThaBiggieCheese Gotcha, thanks. I have both so maybe I'll start with P3 Reload instead!