Best game in the whole franchise

You play as the fucking coolest assassin who use multiple guns, the gameplay and the leveling are just awsome.
you're like a bullet shooted in amazing and colorful landscape.
The story is ok it's just cool and crazy killer story with stupid jokes.
The first thing that attracted me to play to this game is the massive Suda51's games vibe, the killer aesthetic, the big guns, the beautiful women they're all there.
I finished the yesterday i already want a DLC

Get Your Game On!

This is my first Yu-Gi-OH! game and my 3rd card-rpg game, the game is like around 40h and fun to play.
If you like the TCG, the anime and GX, it's your game. the gameplay is pretty cool with a good UI for the duels but the AI is not, pretty dumb. The progression is pleasant, great fan-service.
I recently started playing to Yu-Gi-Oh again with the release of Master Duel, I even bought some booster to build a Synchron deck irl. I hope to see more games like Tag Force and I will play to all the Tag Force games.

Entre tradition et modernité.