I really enjoyed the game! The playtime is short (which is a plus in my book) with an interesting setting that is not commonly used at all. The combat system is abrupt, brutal and wonderful. It reminded me of reading combat logs in Dwarf Fortress.
The most important "invention" for me though is the text pacing. The text is shown sentence by sentence, and therefore you never feel overwhelmed with its amount.

Can wholeheartedly recommend!

Fantastic, Return of the Obra Dinn like game! Highly recommended.

Certainly one of the better "Wadjet Eye style" adventures. The atmosphere is great, the main character actually kinda likeable... But still, it misses some charm of the older inhouse projects like Unavowed. Good game, not blown away :)

Technobabylon has an interesting story, but its gameplay is just so disappointing. So many times you will get into classic "adventure game" solutions that it's just not fun.
I love Wadjet Eye games adventure games (loved Blackwell, Unavowed, Shivah) but finished this just because i wanted to finish a game after a while.