This is one of the funniest, most emotional, and downright DUMBEST games I've ever played, and I absolutely love it.

In light of the sequel to this game being announced, I decided to give this game a try, myself.

And I have to say, I am impressed. The art style may have taken me slightly aback, at first, but I quickly got used to it. The guns, the music (both from previous titles and ones from this game exclusively), the characters, heck, even the story managed to make it click for me.

If you ever feel like killing time, this is a perfect way to.

Oh, we are the valiant Infantry. We are the Alpha Team with passion and camaraderie.

If it wasn't for this game, I wouldn't be the niche internet microcelebrity that I supposedly am on Twitter.

If it weren't for this game, I practically never would've been the person I am today.

I owe my life to Persona 3 Portable, and I am thankful that I played it.

I'd rather play the actual Soul Hackers 2 we got.

I've played this game a ridiculous amount of times, even before the Fan Translation Patch came out.

The combat is honestly the most fluid I've seen out of a PSP Game.

More people should experience this game. It's truly a shame RGG never brought it to the West.

- Kei Nanjo, the Greatest Character in all of Gaming

- Literally everything else