Borderlands 3 is a confusing game to have an opinion on as there is a lot wrong with it but also so much to like about it. The story is a mess with its not very interesting villains, character assassinations, and just frankly unfunny writing. There are also technical problems with missions not loading properly, glitches, and horrible load times, seriously takes like five minutes to load in every time. That said the gameplay is easily the most satisfying in the serious with there being a whole lot of new movement options and ways to create absolute carnage. This is seriously some of the most satisfying FPS games I have ever played with their being so many guns that just straight-up break the game. There is also some character stuff I quite enjoyed with Typhon Deleon and most of the characters on Eden-6. Also, the game can be visually striking in parts with some areas being either very creative looking or just beautiful. This is my second playthrough of the game and many problems I had with the game originally do not seem as egregious. It has its problems but I can definitely say I had a blast playing it.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2022
