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Time Played

4h 11m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 1, 2024

First played

March 31, 2024

Platforms Played


Genuinely a pretty incredible portable-ization of the Metroid formula. It never crossed my mind that this game would feel so linear and mission based, but the story really pulls everything together in a super interesting way, which is something I haven't been able to say about a Metroid game really. Sure, the atmosphere and aesthetics are usually on full blast with this series, but this really brings the entire thing to a full on space epic, with character motivations, backstories, and plot. Plot! In a tiny GBA cartridge meant to be played on a handheld without a fucking backlight! The game is also just gorgeous. Nintendo did their absolute damnest to make the colors and art direction of each area pop, and feel unique. The conceit that this entire station was a galactic nature preserve is such a fascinating concept, and the infestation of the X parasites leads to some genuinely incredible and horrifying enemy design. It's also the snappiest set of controls the series has had yet. Something as simple as grabbing onto ledges became instantly gamechanging, with traversal and discovery finding new avenues and still feeling fresh after 4 games. The upgrades themselves feel much more organic with their depiction in this game, and pacing of upgrades is especially excellent. Previous games felt a little bit like each weapon or method of movement was put on full blast before moving to the next, at least if you always sought out the items at your earliest convenience, which I would always do. Oddly enough, having less player freedom (which I usually advocate against), completely turns this system on its head.

Is it better than the series bastion of creative inspiration and quality, Super Metroid? No, probably not. That game still has the absolute best all around presentation of this formula, which is rare for an entry that basically cements the formula itself. The fact that it was Nintendo's first real go with all of these ideas, and the fact that it ended up being the crown jewel of the Super Nintendo puts it pretty solidly above Fusion for me. Fusion is still a triumphant effort though, and one I definitely see myself returning to.