Review #17 - 2020

Taking a traditionally side scrolling action game and translating it into a cinematic FPS makes for one captivating experience. I didn't own an Xbox growing up, but I had a GameCube, and to me, this gave me the same chills and thrills I felt playing "Combat Evolved" at my friend's house.

Exploration built tension as you ventured through various alien landscapes. You'd be greeted by smaller enemies that aren't as daunting, but the more you traverse the land, the more terrifying and challenging the creatures became. There's a bit of a survival horror aspect in this game that made me take pause before turning a corner or opening a door. The atmospheric soundtrack certainly added to that feeling of dread and awe.

My favorite aspect of the game was how you discovered lore. You'd scan each and every little thing, from grass, to the creatures themselves, and you'd receive a TON of flavor text that I absolutely enjoyed reading through. It shaped my love for discovering lore in video games, and encouraged me to take in and appreciate every aspect of a game's design.

This is the best application of an FPS title on the GameCube I can think of. They utilized the GameCube controller well, and in terms of graphics, is one of the best looking GameCube titles as well. Given we've found a standard for how FPS games should be controlled, playing this one for the first time may be strange, but you'll quickly get used to it. The "Prime" trilogy is heavily slept on, and I think it's worth giving it a try. Hopefully they port the trilogy to the Switch very soon.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2022
