Cindered Shadows is a pretty good piece of DLC that helps give you even more of Three Houses to play.
It offers a little side-story involving the Ashen Wolves house that gives you some additional lore revolving around Byleth, along with introducing you to a great cast of 4 new characters.
Outside of the side-story, this DLC gives you the 4 characters that you can recruit for the maingame, some of the hardest paralogues in the game involving them, 4 (5 counting gender differences) new classes to throw your characters in, along with some goodies you can spend Renown on. One of these new things is a way to purchase support levels for units, helping speed up a process that could be tedious if you're focused on trying to get two units' supports up while also trying to do missions and not have them die.
It's overall a decent chunk of DLC that's only brought down by how you're forced to buy the expansion pass when CS is the only worthwhile thing actually included in it.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2021
