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Boy am I glad I bought this game when I did, cause it’s delisted as FRICK now.

I liked it! A simple little beat em up based on a show I adore. Or rather, based on the PILOT. It’s in this weird nebulous void between the pilot and the show, it’s a neat little oddity where things are more refined from the pilot, but NOOOOOT quite there yet.

Honestly, the biggest problem is it’s a touch screen mobile game. It can be really frustrating positioning yourself where you want to be and pulling off the moves you want to do. But it’s functional! It’s fun enough!

The world and characters are just so charming. It’s not as refined as the show, but the environments are still very nice looking for a game like this, and it’s always a joy to talk to this cast.

That’s about it! It’s pretty simple, can be frustrating sometimes, but I had a good time with it!