Man…. I didn’t like it very much.

To be ABSOLUTELY FAIR, the setting and tone just aren’t really my thing, so I had a feeling I wasn’t gonna vibe with it. But I mean… that’s how I felt about The Walking Dead, and I ended up absolutely loving that game! But this just didn’t have enough to make me like it despite my tastes.

Every episode feels like the same thing to me. Float around in an empty bland space station, maybe occasionally talk to a character. It gets old.

I don’t even think it necessarily does those things BADLY, floating around feels good, but… man I’m over it by episode 3.

The characters aren’t BAD but I feel like you don’t get enough time with them for me to really care about them much. I guess you get a personality out of Khan, but man, I feel like I didn’t feel what the game WANTED me to feel for these guys.

My friend and I were comparing it to New Tales from the Borderlands. That game is awful, much worse as a game than The Expanse is… but I gotta say, I feel like it might be more memorable! They’re all over the place in that game! The Expanse is technically a better game, but it’s just SO dull to me.

Yeah, a shame, but to be honest I wasn’t that interested to begin with, so it’s not like I was that disappointed.

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2023
