Replayed again recently given I had only played in winter previously. In my previous play session, I got quite fed up with the slow pacing of the game towards the late game, hindering me from designing my island the way I wanted to at a pace I was happy with. I set out this time to play in spring, and time travel forward one day at a time to speed up progress. The start of this game is extremely addicting and very fun, hunting for bugs and fish, obtaining new furniture/DIY recipes, and interacting with NPCs that come to town. However, I found the mid-late game once again frustrating in terms of pacing. It is extremely tedious to move around trees, lay down paths, and make DIY items. By the time I had accumulated around 500k bells and filled out my village with villagers, the desire to continue had dwindled. There is something wrong with the late-game pacing. It is a shame as it is an otherwise charming game and one of the best-looking ones on the Switch.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
