The game is honestly pretty fun. Beat em ups are certainly not my preferred genre by a long shot, but this one is very well made and enjoyable! It does have some issues with it that are just reminiscent of beat em ups as a whole that should be retired. The biggest of which is the punishment for dying is losing half your money. Encouraging you to only spend your money right before fighting a boss. The navigation as well is a bit obtuse as well, and made me and my friend who played this with me struggle to get around at times. There are a bunch of other smaller quality of life improvements that I hope they implement for the sequel, but as a whole, I did enjoy this game more than I expected.

That is, except for the ending, which was so bad that they had to patch in an alternate ending

Overall, this game was fun to play, and I would probably recommend either this or Castle Crashers for anyone looking for a beat em up to play.

Also, this game has two female protagonist characters, but doesn't pass the Bechdel test.

Last thing: The most masochistic way to play this game is New Game+ w/Friendly Fire on. You're welcome

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2022
