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The first 10 hours or so of this feel almost perfectly pitched; A constant barrage of new ideas and things to consider as the leader of your newly found cult. It doesn’t quite sustain that momentum but it’s never less than engaging and will even have you struggling to put down the controller fairly often.

I’m reviewing the base game here, where the length feels just about right as repetition starts to set in during the 4th combat area. The environments, enemy types and combat aren’t varied enough for the roguelite half of this game to stay fresh at the finish line, but it’s close.

The less said about both major DLCs (Relics & Sins at the time of writing) the better. Both have you praying to the RNG gods whilst you venture back through all 4 combat areas in order to progress what little extra ‘story’ and lore there is to see. They are free at least and aren’t totally without charm (in the form of follower mating).

Music, sound design and presentation are all major plus points here, full of confident personality.