I'm going to focus more on the GBA version since it's the first version of the game that made me enter in this wildish urbanish skateboardish trickish awesome world. Not going to write an entire bible tho lol, I'm just going to say, it's darn awesome, I love the exclusive levels innit like the warehouse level but with different objetives, etc etc. I swear if it wasn't by this version of the game, I would never discovered the freaking awesome series ahem, forgetting about thps5 ofc ahem. Now goin' to the PS/PC version, when I was a lil one I didn't even knew that there was a PC version of the game and I was completely amazed by it, when I first played it, damn I didn't even wanted to go back playing the GBA version lol, I was hella impressed by the more fluid mechanics and the graphics, no more wordz, is a freaking awesome skateboarding game and the most memorable from the series

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2022
