My procrastination game, Sakuya all the way ofc when i'm into the stages 10/10

Very Diablo-esque hack and slash rpg, which apart from the atmosphere and the story, makes me like it even more. Also, I really thought bloodlines was the first VTM game to exist, but then I discovered this

Double pressing X while jumpin' off a bringe is a pro bike move

Never get behind cop cars, elsewhere you'll be flying to mars lmao

Another of my childhood sports games, my pick was always the yankees lmfao

Man I'm really 'nto og games marathon since I've made my windows look like windows 2000, from motocross madness to this, gems from madness 10/10

Honda motocross bikes are gigachad

I'm feeling like I'm on a U.S.M.C simulation, also sniper rifles are goated weapons change my mind

The soundtrack is fire af, even more having a napoleonic setting, 10/10

Windows 10 really hates Warcraft III cutscenes when it comes to make 'em work, apart from that, another goated childhood game in my collection :P

When the Act on instinct/Target kicks in (Instant Victory!!1!!)

Revolver Shalashaska Ocelot: The Game

Speedrunnin' with the grenade feels good mane 10/10