3 reviews liked by TheJokerBr

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This game follows the same route that is common for many other horror games: it stops being even somewhat scary by the end of the game. Moreover, I felt annoyed when I entered the last hour or so of the game. The first half, on the other hand, was actually able to keep up the tension and atmosphere which made me feel uncomfortable in a good way. The sound design, although sometimes repeating, was actually helping with this feeling of unease, and the feeling of someone following. This all fell apart basically in the first encounter with the monster, which happened to be just a human-like pig. Not only was it underwhelming, even though it was already spoiled through the notes, and through the game's title, but the enemy itself was very primitive, and every encounter was either the most basic stealth mission impossible, where you just hide behind a barrel and then, if needed, run, or annoying chase scenes, in which you would simply run forward until you find a door or a glitch in your character's head will move you somewhere else. Besides that, the level design also took a plunge, by being much more linear and filled with primitive puzzles.
Story-wise, the game also feels awkward, as it tries to be serious and dramatic, but instead, you feel that the story exists solely to somewhat justify or give meaning to your actions in the game. Besides, the plot is also very poorly represented through the gameplay (I am talking here about the street section of the game and how it was meant to show the evil plan of the main villain (you).
So... The game's main value is its first 2-3 hours until you basically encounter the first enemy, the story is poor, even though is ambitious. The music is nice, but doesn't feel as part of the game, because, once again, I wasn't able to feel the weight of the story. The game after the initial 3 hours starts feeling really dragged and makes you want to be done with it as quickly as possible.
Rating: 3,75/10

I heard you like metaphors so we hit you in the face with a decapitated pig's head for 3 hours