Goes from the sublime to the downright infuriating clearly a lot of attention went into this because it has a level of detail that is downright crazy at times.

Then it decides to fall on it's ass with the introduction of a ham-fisted story point, some cringe-worthy dialogue, or having a battle system that collapses in on itself all too regularly.

The story begins and seems to forgot 90% of what happened in the first game - it throws away a great foundation to just have a clean slate? Plot points (remember Barret dying and coming back to life? This game doesn't!) and relationships just reset for game purposes. Once things get going it starts to pick up verrrrrry slowly, then the final two chapters just rush in, make very little sense, and the game just sort of ends. I understand with open world games that this cadence is unavoidable, but there's so many hanging threads it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. What was this journey even for? Why was Zack even there? Who really cares about a multiverse?

The battle system from Remake has been tweaked, but there's updated systems and reworks that remove a lot of the fun. For starters, blocking/parrying is now integral to battling (especially on Hard), but the movement system can't handle it. Blocks do not interrupt, which means you have to slow down the battle pace to a crawl, and then decipher what the enemy is going to do. At times this is fine, but in the spectacle fights where all sorts of crap is flying around the screen (and the camera starts going nuts) this is nigh on impossible. Gilgamesh is a great fight and lots of fun, but I'll be damned if I could see what the hell was going on half the time. It needs to be much more snappy to be satisfying.

There's a lot of great stuff here, though - exploration is wonderful, voice acting is (for the most part) fantastic, there's an abundance of side quests and extra things to do. Every mini game is deep and has it's own ecosystem that you're constantly tripping over new and different things to do.

It's a very satisfying game, but some small decisions have a big impact on the end feeling. I came away confused and disappointed, which is odd considering how much fun I had playing this. But the story ending and the endgame tasks just don't work for me.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
