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February 6, 2022

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Good DLC for die hard fans of Dying Lights offerings, but after I went through the first time, I was not gripped at all to return to the same map... to complete it [x] more times. Off-Brand

See the thing that miffs me about this one... is seeing the potential for how much BETTER it could have been. I would have enjoyed it so much more if there was a variation in the rooms. Many roguelikes/roguelites can wear the fascade of the games levels feeling different because they generate a random tileset of rooms. I was happy going through the first time. But the SECOND I booted right back in up at the beginning of the exact same quest (with minor differences, I went to one of the question mark areas)... It immediately lost all value.

I'm... not sure why the game all of a sudden shows cracks everywhere in doing that. I like the combat system enough. But not enough to want to play through the same "mission" all over again.

It's a cool DLC, with lots of fun medieval weapons, and to be fair, should you play Hellraid enough you can unlock a special weapon (which, if I'm not mistaken, you have to play through the 2hr long quest at least twice over and that's if you don't miss the secrets). It plays nice, and the roguelite aspects I think are all there, except for the environmental changes.

But I don't recommend it. I don't find myself drawn to play Hell raid and think it's behind in its offerings (especially compared to other DLC). Maybe if I had friends I would change my tune, but after starting The Following DLC, every other "content" based Dying Light DLC is blown out of the water. Your money, is best spent on The Following, unless you just want a reason to jump back into Dying Light, or need to iron out the last few levels of your power skill tree.

You can see the care that was put into it, it's better than other DLC's for other games, and at the time it released it was probably a great way to tide players over, but here and now, your time is better spent in other aspects of the game in other pieces of content IMO. Only for the hardcore fans!