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Time Played

16h 6m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 13, 2022

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Addicting, bottomless fun, with nearly endless combinations and synergies, will keep you coming back for more... and more... and more... until you've burnt yourself out. Loved it. NameBrand

The thing about Slay the Spire with me: I've waited for this game to go on sale for YEARS. I've never thought it was worth its price tag, and to a degree I still don't. But because of my pettiness, as I lied in wait for a sale (that never technically came, I got this in a Humble Bundle package) I played just about every copycat iteration you can find, especially on mobile. So, jumping in for the first time a few months back felt oddly familiar...

The mechanics are simple, but the strategy runs deep. You don't have to know about this game or its genre to enjoy it because it's extremely approachable, and learning its systems and "loopholes" are really engaging and absolutely addicting. Because of that, I feel comfortable recommending it to just about anyone. It's got a solid core concept that I think may continue to stand the test of time yet.

That being said... After playing many copy cat versions of this game, I can't help but think Slay the Spire is lacking in some quality of life features that have since snuck their way into the genre. I've found myself thinking about and almost preferring some of the clones for their ingenuity in how they've furthered this games formula into something greater. And while I think this is something that is possible with Slay the Spire (through something like Steam workshop, which I applaud greatly), it was almost hard to play without some of those things I have become accustomed to. The other thing is, which has a little more weight to it, is that the burnout is sooooo real.

I picked this game up, got hooked, and played it to death. Have you ever been there? Having so much fun with a game that it's the only thing you want to do, so you binge it until you've beat it, and further still, you want to push the boundaries of its system, and you play it and play it so much so that before you know it... You've fried your enjoyment playing it to a crisp. After I completed the campaign with the three main heroes, I know, there's a true ending or whatever... but I just don't feel the motivation to go back in and get it. Maybe one day! But there's something about the progression where I just feel content with how I've beat the game currently. Could be because I've played all those copycats, could be something else, but nonetheless, it's something that's bothered me.

All in all, it's a great game, and it's easy to see why it's been ruling as king over this genre for so many years. And while I still might think the price might be a bit high, I think that no matter who picks it up, they'll have a good time with it, and get many many hours out of it.