4 Reviews liked by TheNeonPilgrim

This game walked so Red Dead 2 could gallop.

Controls really terribly, it had a bit of charm, but it's really boring and clunky

Mario + Rabbids is a surprisingly charming and well animated game, held back by samey and drawn out mechanics.
The world building and general story were great, they felt engaging and funny. The cinematics had great animation and really added to the experience.
Gameplay wise however, I felt that even though they made a great decision trying to combine a X-COM style strategy game with the Mario and Rabbids' universes, what it gained in simplifying the formula, it lost in depth of gameplay. Midway through the game I felt bored and sick of using the same guns/strategy and characters to advance through what seemed like should have gone by way faster. It really picks up at the end though, so I was glad to chug along the boring parts.
Overall I thought this is an interesting game, with good presentation, that felt a little long and repetitive.

I have had a long history with Skyrim. For me it was the type of game that I would play for a while, quit it and restart it a year later constantly. I did this like 5 times. This year I tried to pick it up again and was determined to atleast finish the main storylines. For the most part I felt really engaged, and actually plated it on PS5!

Skyrim is a game that has stood the test of time, but it's not without its flaws. In 2023, the graphics are admittedly outdated, but what it lacks in visual appeal, it more than makes up for in gameplay. There is no set path or mandatory goals, allowing you to do anything and everything you want. The world feels alive and cohesive, drawing you in and making you a part of the story. The character creation is detailed and diverse, offering a wide range of options to customize your character and really make it your own.

The story itself is mostly good, though it suffers from bad dialogue and lackluster voice acting. Despite this, the liberty to follow any storyline you want is what makes Skyrim so unique. It's unlike most games, giving you the freedom to do whatever you want and feel completely enthralled in the fantasy world. This is what open world games are supposed to be. However, this also sometimes makes you feel aimless and like you're missing out on more interesting storylines, something I didn't feel playing Breath of The Wild, for example.

The leveling system has its problems. Progression can feel slow at times, and there are too many different paths to follow, making it difficult to choose which ones to pursue. But the combat is great, offering a diversity of options from one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, bows, spells, and more, keeping the game fresh and exciting.

Skyrim offers an endless amount of content to keep you entertained for hours on end. There are hundreds of things to do, making it feel like there's always something new to discover. No, it is not perfect, but it does have such a unique charm to it that makes you keep playing and want to keep coming back.