Video Game Pet Peeves

A twist on Vee’s “Guess My Favorite Pokémon from Each Gen” list where I pick a game solely based on its title to represent things games sometimes do that really get under my skin.

Time Crisis
Time Crisis
Having to outrun a timer to get somewhere or complete some objective. Especially if making a single misstep anywhere that costs you so much as a second means you’ve already failed.
One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows
One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows
Bosses with attacks that can kill you in a single hit. Yeah, because THAT’s fair.
Walk With Me
Walk With Me
Sections where you’re forced to slowly follow an NPC around for what feels like an eternity while they talk about or show you stuff for storytelling reasons. Really common in first-person shooters.
You Are Being Followed
You Are Being Followed
Tailing missions where you follow an NPC around either or foot or in a car without alerting them for an irritatingly long time.

“Careful not to spook the target. Don’t let them get too far away!”
Overlord: Minions
Overlord: Minions
Bosses that spawn endless waves of regular enemies. Because of course when fighting a super tough boss you want to contend with hundreds of its little minions chipping away at your health and getting in the way of you memorizing its attack patterns as well.
Triple Town
Triple Town
Having to do menial tasks like hunting down key cards or fighting a wave of enemies three times in a row before you can progress. Particularly if it wasn’t very enjoyable the first two times.
Déjà Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!!
Déjà Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!!
“…I’ve just been in this place before…”

Having to revisit earlier areas and contend with all of their obstacles again. Like, I just beat this area once, you couldn’t have let the enemies remain dead or given me a way to bypass these bullcrap traps?
Time Crisis II
Time Crisis II
Having to wait real life hours for something to happen in-game (i.e. energy refilling or a building to be constructed). Typical of F2P mobile games.
Just Die Already
Just Die Already
Multi-phase boss battles. Because nothing says fun like having that hard, usually final, foe immediately come back after you deplete their health bar for round 2 or typically more. Complete with new attacks for you to manage and the knowledge that if you fail at any point it’s all the way back to their first phase. They’re always tedious endurance tests that require borderline perfection early on to preserve health used to artificially increase the difficulty and screw you over right before the credits roll. I hate them passionately.
Keys, Please
Keys, Please
Having levels locked off until you collect enough points, ranking requirements (i.e. stars), or some useless bonus objects from prior stages that you have to go out of your way to get. Because how dare I just want to progress through the game normally.


1 year ago

Fantastic list idea.

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