At first glance this looks like any other LEGO game. You're thrown into a hub world (without any sort of tutorial to help you get your bearings) that branches off into the various levels you need to complete and from there you immediately begin destroying everything in sight for LEGO pieces. It doesn't take long to realize just how lacking in content this is however. Each zone is comprised of the same four level loop and there's no platforming or puzzle solving in any of the stages. Literally all Bionicle Heroes has going for it in the gameplay department is the third-person shooting, and that proves to not be much fun due to the awkward controls, extremely limited enemy variety, and dull boss battles.

Even the collect-a-thon element Traveller's Tales games are known for comes up short. Usually tracking down everything in a LEGO game requires you to replay levels with new character types in order to open up new paths with their own amusing secrets and mini-games. Here you just upgrade the already existing characters at the store and open a door you previously couldn't. What's behind the door? Just the collectible itself and nothing else new or exciting.

There is also no real story to speak of. So those hoping for some kind of narrative that makes use of the series' complex lore are sure to be disappointed outside of the brief bits of fanservice. There are cutscenes, but all they do is show off Traveller's Tales' kid-friendly sense of slapstick humor which proves to be a poor fit for the Bionicle brand.

While the developer might have just had a misguided vision for the game from the start, it's the rushed and incomplete feeling you get that makes Heroes not worth playing. There's simply not enough variety or content to keep the mindless action from becoming a repetitive slog and the potential for this to have been so much more can be clearly seen. It's a lot like opening up a new LEGO set only to find out that most of the essential pieces are missing. You're frustrated, letdown, and ultimately left with something you can't have that much fun with.


Reviewed on Sep 22, 2021
