I own this sealed and I'm not going to open it but I want to play it so bad.

Yes its good, the DLC's were also all free which you don't see very often.

Its not MVC2 but this roster is so classic.

Need to return to this badly.

Brings the attitude and hype of Lucha Libre so flawlessly that its an easy recommendation to any wrestling fan.

It's Battlefront with a LoTR coat of paint and it works so well. Love bringing this game up because it's criminally overlooked.

The timer used to stress me out as a kid.

So much charm, it just oozes it.

Owning this and Lego Star Wars or Indiana Jones made you the coolest mf in my grade.

Played this splitscreen with friends over all the time, returning to it now it hasn't aged well unfortunately. Does still hold up a bit with Steam workshop addons.

I love how gross and easy to hate all your marks are. Makes murdering very fun, especially as an edgy ass teenager.

I'm not the biggest Aerosmith fan.

The modern set list is one of my personal favorites, plays much better on the 360 compared to the ps2 port, probably goes without saying lol.