I hope this game doesn't end up like Anthem, the story is deeply enjoyable despite what people are whining about and was totally worth my time. I was skeptical at first because I dropped Gotham Knights after just a few hours and I hate arbitrary item rarities with numbers that go up, seeing that I am still able to use a good gun that dropped at the beginning of the game is astounding and I love it. I came in to this purely to hear Kevin Conroy's performance as the Batman, but I'm leaving with a close eye on this title and am exited to see where it goes.

Phenominal story that I've seen through once before. But that lack of mystery and excitement makes this game a total slog. The combat was stale and did not keep me interested. The clickers are sick though :)

Kinda bare bones for mmo standards, but the freaks you can meet in the cities made getting on extremely interesting.

Fantastic story but lack-luster combat unlike the rest of the series, I enjoy the path Kratos is on.

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It's a masterpiece that is only held down by the Demon Ruins and Izalith, copy and pasting early game bosses as standard enemies with the same repeating idle poses and sprinkling 20 undead dragon asses in a lava lake is silly. Bed of Chaos blows chunks. The "human spirit" trope is my weakness.

Current obsession, going in and being 100% free to play has to be one of the most satisfying grinds I've ever experienced next to Warframe. As a Grasshopper Manufacture shill, I can't believe this is the one I slept on.


Amazing shooter that has some of the most satisfying weapons and particle effects ever made. Does get a little stale after a while, but going back every once and a while never hurts. I do have beef with them blurring everything when you reload, I get it.

An extremely interesting mmo that feels fantastic, I want to try every class because the controls and combat feel butter smooth. Didn't have anyone to play with but I think this game suffers regardless of who you play with. Probably just suffering from that "joining an mmo late" syndrome.

This game has so much personality and charm that its a crime I didn't play it until I got it free with gold.

My personal favorite Battlefield, I love playing as infantry and moving as a squad. Vehicles feel oppressive of course but still manageable, and the maps are so well crafted that all classes get a chance to shine. Has a killer soundtrack that amplifies every second of this game. Squad revive is so hype and a core mechanic that I hope every title has from here on out. The bleedout timer always gives me goosebumps as well.

The most unique and colorful multiplayer in the franchise, a peak in my opinion. While it's still possible to have some fun today it will never be the same, and I hate to say we'll never see a Battlefield like this again.

Played this on launch, played the beta, pre-ordered. I enjoyed it at first but eventually admitted it wasn't what it should have been. The operators are the worst idea Dice ever could have made, I get completely sucked out of every encounter because I'm just looking at clones of the most spammable operators on the roster. The maps were extremely weak at launch and while I think it has improved over time, like adding back the core 4 classes. This game tries so hard to be modern with what's popular, and that's what kills it, hop on with friends an play until you get mad and uninstall, that's the cycle.

Oppressive vehicles and maps that don't feel catered to infantry made me dislike this game more than a lot of people. While a fan favorite, every time I go back I just don't have fun because I'm being mowed down by snipers or tanks.

I don't think the huge open world was a plus for this game, left a lot of open, dead space that felt like an excuse to make you use the batmobile more. The story was phenomenal an kept me hooked the entire time.