RoboCop: Rogue City: It's kind of fun brutalizing Detroit's “creeps” but the game is simply too long for something that never changes the pattern at all, not even so much as a difficulty bump. You will shoot every single enemy in the face and none of the “RPG” elements feel very rewarding to participate in. It's you and your overpowered pistol for the entire stiff campaign. I'm glad Peter Weller was able to return, though.

In RoboCop, every single enemy will have you shooting them in the mouth. Since there's no cover system and RoboCop can't even crouch, from the beginning until the end you will do your best to murder everyone in the room quickly with an easy headshot. Eventually they wear helmets, but guess what? You're still aiming at their head until that helmet falls off and you spray their brains across the wall. That armor is the only variation you're really going to come across all game. There are boss fights, but these are terrible segments and thankfully they're infrequent.
You can pick up a second weapon, but they all suck compared to your pistol (once upgraded), so they're just clutter. Your punch doesn't even use the needle in RoboCop's hand, it could have looked like the sick animation used in Republic Commando. Big time wasted potential.
You can unlock a few abilities: stun, dash, slowmo, and a shield. The stun was useless against far enemies and even those closeby didn't always react to it. The shield and slowmo just serve their purpose of helping you heal less, and dash is only good for traversal and getting to the next shootout faster. It feels like quite the boring step down after having just beat Sekiro again.

Now, I'm not some peaceable flower: I agree with Quentin Tarantino's stance and the gruesome, graphic violence is, indeed, fun. The problem is it's so brain-dead here that you gotta keep this kind of game relatively short, because it's definitely not fun forever. While not as bad, I did eventually encounter the same repetitive and lifeless feeling I got from Dead Island 2, though I gave up on that and was able to finish RoboCop.
The only other big flavor here is the comedic tone. It follows the movie's mocking dystopia very well and satirizes corporate America easily, RoboCop's entire predicament is still a body-horror nightmare, and it's funny that he'll blow holes in someone's son but won't ever be caught swearing. It's all pretty good and well done, I think, but the writing isn't enough to keep you entertained all the time; a good chunk of this game is just walking around Detroit as RoboCop who is known for his lack of mobility. There are long stretches of this game where you'll just listen to his thudding footsteps, sighing when you see an objective is over 100 meters away. You can't use your dash ability in the city to speed things up as you're not in combat.

You can make some choices, but they're pretty lousy and make me wonder why they bothered. Will Mills or Kuzak be mayor? You can decide, but you won't like either option. Will you help the reporter? You'd be stupid not to, there's experience in it for you and OCP, your owner, sucks and deserves the investigation. Stuff like this, nothing too exciting.

RoboCop is mediocre, and the praise I'm seeing for this game confuses me. I guess it's good to see Teyon make a “good” game after being known for duds, but I think this game would only be truly deserving of the praise if it was released in 2009.

I do not recommend RoboCop: Rogue City, though there were worse releases this year for sure.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023


I do think this game looks pretty cool still but this was a good review and makes me more wary about playing it lol

5 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 Well, I don't recommend it, but I think a middling review is accurate. Like I certainly would NOT advise paying full price. If you love RoboCop, you may get more out of this than I did, I just don't think there's any denying this game is extremely shallow and drags its feet.