X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition: I had been sort of 'tricked' into playing this as I'd heard it was better than the movie, but I haven't seen the movie. I've come to learn that doesn't necessarily mean the game is worth your time, it merely means the movie is really bad.

This game is basically a lousy God of War (PS2) clone in both gameplay and tone, though fortunately far fewer QTEs. Similar to how Kratos may fly from beast to beast in battles, cutscenes will have Logan flying from one helicopter to another, swiping at their engines, tail rotors, or the pilots themselves. Think “over-the-top action movie” vibes throughout. It's sort of enjoyable, but there's not a lot of accompanying charm, here.
The gameplay runs into that same issue the recent Jedi games ran into where the only way to make it a good “game” is to weaken the character and their weapons a bit. Logan probably should be cutting every single enemy in half with a single swipe, just as a lightsaber should, but he has been weakened so he's barely a level above random grunts dual-wielding machetes. But if you really love the character and hearing him say “School's in, bub,” then congrats: you've got your game, bub.

The game looks okay (except for Logan's model, which I think looks very good for the time), though you'll run into resolution issues should you want to play it on 1440p. Some .ini changes can help you with that, in addition to other graphical settings not offered in the game's options menu. You can't change the mouse sensitivity, which sucks. But you'll probably be impressed by 2009's real-time healing of Logan's wounds: bullet holes amassing in his body as you're fired upon, explosions taking out chunks of flesh so you see distinct muscle or even bones. It's kind of neat.
Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber are here reprising their roles, unfortunately. I mean it's a paycheck, but at what cost, fellas? Neither one sounds especially thrilled to be in the booth. Will.i.am is here too but nobody, including him, cares.

The game plays simply: Logan heals automatically and you will very rarely even come close to death, you'll learn simple combos of light and heavy attacks, and most importantly you can grab and throw enemies. If you play this game (which I don't recommend), throw every single enemy you can off of cliffs. This game is too long and repetitive to waste time on the lame combos and doesn't give you enough rage to spam the cooler attacks, so trust me: it's tossin' time.
There are collectibles in the campaign which are pretty nice. They'll give experience bonuses, mutagens (stat boosters you can choose between and equip), or figurines that'll give you experience and help unlock challenges in the main menu. These challenges are insanely easy and when you complete them, you get a new costume. None of the costumes look very good, but I applaud the effort.

Unless you're a die-hard Wolverine fan, I don't think anybody should be checking this game out. Doesn't help that you can't get it anywhere digitally and you have to buy a disc (which I totally did, of course, officer). Other than some cutscenes looking extremely good for the time (not all of them, though), I'd say you're better off playing God of War (PS2). It'll do a better job of scratching your hack-and-slash itch than this could.

Reviewed on May 07, 2023
