This game wants to be open-world Last of Us. Problem is, The Last of Us works as a game because of the scavenging mechanic, which this game takes from it (like every other game since TLOU to be fair). However, it faces a paradox because of this: either you give the player too little ressources, and they'll want to keep those precious ressources for the main story missions and be discouraged from exploring, or you give too much, and the scavenge system loses all interest. This game is fundamentally broken, not to mention the very bad start to the story (I got 7 hours through it and just wasn't hooked at all), the forgettable gameplay... Apparently this game gets better after a while, but I'm sorry, if 7 hours in, I still don't see a bit of light, I'm done.
I'll give out two stars because it's a good concept, I like the post-apocaliptic biker imagery, the side activites weren't too bad when I had enough ressources to do them... The storyline system makes the game feel a bit unfocused, but isn't a bad idea in of itself. This had potential.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2022

1 Comment

I recall dead island having the same annoying scavenging (and then dying light), i don't think it really came from tlou, rather a staple of survival/zombie games