Max Payne 2 is everything from the first one, but better presented and with more polish...yet somehow it doesn't quite feel as good as the first one to me. I think part of that has to do with the low budget charm of Max Payne 1 (that charm does still exist with the expanded in universe tv shows and advertisements).
While I like the quickness with which enemies die, I also feel that by default Max is far tankier and painkillers are far more abundant than in the first one. Max Payne 1 felt like each room was a puzzle you had to tackle with your limited resources, whereas Max Payne 2 feels like the world is a canvas for you to paint with an palette full of ammo and health. I don't think one is worse than the other, but I do prefer Max Payne 1's approach. I'm sure this would differ with the unlocked difficulty modes which I haven't touched yet though.

I think the story has a lot more to offer and is a lot more compelling. It somehow takes the nonsense of the first one and further ties it all together. Nothing new is necessarily learned with Max Payne 2, but the recontextualisation of existing characters and their conflicting goals makes for far more compelling cutscenes and interactions.

I really think this is an improvement over 1 in most ways while never going overboard with changes, but the lack of initial difficulty compared to 1 had me less engaged with the gameplay. That's totally personal taste, and I look forward to playing this again with the unlocked difficulty modes. With better story and presentation, but less compelling difficulty, this hits an equal 3 and a half stars to my rating of Max Payne 1. I think the goofball and indie charm of 1 makes it my favourite of the two though.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2023
