I've finished the campaign on normal but haven't gotten to the DLC yet. Still, I wanted to jot down my thoughts quickly. Overall, really great! I can understand the praise it's gotten as a revitalisation of the franchise. I came into this having seen the Scary Game Squad playthrough way back in the day, but that was what got me interested in the franchise to begin with. Now I've finally gotten here and I got to revisit this with the experience of the franchise behind me, and I think it was a lot richer for it.

I think this game starts off just okay, with lots of deaths and trial and error. The switch to first person is a part of this, as now it's not just a survival horror where inventory management is rewarded, but also accuracy. I found switching to mouse and keyboard from a controller made the game dramatically easier.

It was also cool to see both the series influence and general horror inspirations in this game. Unlike something like Alan Wake 2, this game is firmly in the realm of B-horror and camp (if moreso in the general plot and homage of the game than direct tone like previous entries). Seeing the mansion exploration component in the first person with the creepy vibes of the bayou was a great blend of new and familiar. Interestingly, the southern murder family tone reminded me a lot of the 2000s gritty horror reboots kicked off by Texas Chainsaw Massacre, similarly taking a once great franchise that had run its course into a totally new direction. Specific parts of the game also make the homage to both the original and rebooted Texas Chainsaw very clear.

I also really enjoyed the atmosphere of the tanker section. RE is no stranger to the setting, and I'm glad that it somehow made a return here. Navigating the space despite a busted elevator was fun, although it really felt totally separated from the main game with an inventory reset. I think the reset was a bit of a crux as RE's formula doesn't work with late game horror, but rather builds towards a late game power fantasy.

I think the plot overall was a bit weak. I understand the want to start fresh with new characters and events that are only loosely tied back to the original, but I think the family (and especially Jack Baker) do the heavy lifting in terms of this game's iconography, and after that the events and people of the story become less memorable. Especially Eveline who feels like the most trope laden character in the series, and that says a lot when we remember it's RE we're talking about. That being said, the plot was serviceable and it facilitated really strong gameplay. I think that's a way better outcome than if plot and gameplay's quality were reversed.

Obviously I have a lot to say about this one. Overall, I really liked it! I'm curious to see how the threads of the ending are tied together in RE8, if they are at all.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
