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June 18, 2022

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This is a bento box Kirby experience where not every piece of sashimi is as great, but the variety brings joy. It is clear that it is here when they truly saw Kirby as the supremely malleable character. No matter the subgame, mini game or genre, Kirby charm can work it’s magic.
In some modes it’s very simple it is a small miniature classic platformer levels on the other its maze like, Kirby truly becomes everything, EVEN A RAIL SHOOTER .
The design is way more open in terms of exploration the design about like where you’re going where your hand is showing it is so much about intuitive moment to moment what am I seeing where does it feel right to go and because Kirby is so nimble and agile in this game and that you’re always consistently encourage to switch up your power sets. It is because of those things like this is very linear adventure like Spring Breeze contrast pleasantly to a way more open labyrinthian experience like the great cave offensive.
In Great Cave Offensive you often have multiple different path trying to find bits of treasure and it’s only about finding a bit of treasures you want. I’m only found 13 on my Playthrough but it it’s that it challenges you way more in terms of paying attention to environmental decisions around like what do you need to unlock certain things remembering where things are please remember where certain power ups or place I’ll be able to go back that way but they look all over each other but you never know when you’re exiting or entry the new zone. Everything feels natural progression wise and all these boss is amazing. Can we talk about the dolphin boss? The dolphin boss splashes you in the middle battles consistently effecting you, therefore there is no rest mode because you will be interrupted and half to find your balance. This happens in the background and when he is side by side with you. Its great, and you build connections to some bosses because some give you situational abilities you can’t get from normal enemies.
When you defeat the beetle ninja and you get a Suplex but you don’t get the Suplex. When you kill Kawasaki you get the cooking thing will you literally don’t do anything but create health. ITS HILARIOUS AND CHARMING.
Kirby even does good storytelling, you have to beat Dynmax to get a relationship to the bird and the bird flies you to the great story experience that is Meta Knights Revenge. THIS IS KIRBY DISTILLED. I GOT BODIED CONSISTENTYL. I was forced to actually learn how to block. The bosses they through at you? Golly, and the sense of place they create with your location and you consistently seeing the meta knight crew . I mean you literally any moment when you get to a new part of the level you see how you destroyed the ship or getting closer and closer to this ship. Meta Knights workers talk actively about how Kirby is pushing; it builds a sense of how strong Kirby . It also ends with a dramatic sword fight with Meta Knighy better than the one on NES,
My gushing doesn’t stop, Milky Way Wishes shows up and perfects everything about group came offensive . I mean it you’re talking about really re-contextualizing what it means to go through mazes and purposes you saw there, you were finding treasure it was nice that the the layout of the levels weren’t as linear experience and treasure through diligent study of the enemy placements you would yield the treasure. Here though exploration is tied for you to find actual abilities affecting your moment to moment gameplay in a very explicit sense. You only have access to abilities if you find them, copying doesn’t work. This forces you to really connect to certain powers because you can always call upon it after you lose it. Therefore want to explore levels that are a little bit more labyrinthian and the desire to come back to these levels later to find different route based on different abilities that allow you go through certain paths is almost Metroid Vania-ish. I genuinely think these are the best levels in the game in terms of both level design in terms of exploration and going around and winding in bending and the most beautiful aesthetically it is the best .
Kirbys movement it is speedy it is comfortable in his navigation and the way that you develop relationships with particular all abilities and in particular because there’s no guarantee that you got a find all the abilities that you like and therefore you’re gonna have to make use of what you do find. I know I’m not 100% person but it made me feel like I look forward to doing this again particularly the Marx battle you are only going there with whatever you found. If you didn’t find any abilities to help you, your become stuck. It made me use abilities I never tried before . I’ve never use a plasma ability until this moment in time or bomb. I didn’t like like the bomb but it became more useful because when I got to Marx it was my best way to get distance hits compared to my reliance on a yo-yo in Main game. You get this Mega Man moment of switching abilities mid boss battle. You are changing abilities mid battle for moment to scenario use!! When I tell you I loved that fight? I did .
Kirby Super Star is an excellent game with a balance of whimsy and design choices where you will fall in love with the character more. It’s all compartmentalized, some flavors are similar, some are fleeting but some are everlasting.