I have several times, repeatedly dropped this game. When the game is frustrating, it is a nuisance. The early game is a thorough grind, the way that items feel esoteric in meaning even after going to the help menu make items odd. The fact that easier teleportation is gated ? The fact that teleporting for more than half the game requires a runway and you steering? It makes getting lost backtracking a CHORE. The grind that is in the dungeons is real, this is the first game where I avoided exploring the dungeon front to back because I didn’t want to lose progress and would thoroughly try my best to figure out the main path. I hated everything about the actual inventory system. The game can be annoying to all degrees. However most of these weak spots are built out of trying to charm the hell out of it’s player. And when Earthbound charms, it has the second best feeling of whimsy in the business (DQ still owns the title).
Like take for example that inventory system that is brutal, the game gives you so many damn progression items and knows it needs to give you storage approach. Now you could have a place to deposit items easily…. But instead to charm the player you have to call the Escargo delivery folk and after a little movement in the overworld they come to you. It makes you chuckle. Its silly but hella inefficient because of how limited storage is. However this charm can come in more effective ways, the rolling hp bar is so damn simple and brilliant but not something that makes clear sense until later game when you have more HP. When an ally got attacked and is about to lose HP, instead of immediately collapsing it takes a while for the hp to run out (being a rolling meter) and if you heal before then the HP restores based exactly on the number it shows. This even works thoughtfully that if you destroy an enemy , get major fatal blowback if you beat the battle first the HP roll won’t complete and thus you survive. The game even allows you to instantly kill weak enemies , you see those enemies on the overworld too . Earthbound forces you to try to read about its magic and systems because while the core impact from DQ is there the way that shields, psi etc all work, its all done to be odd . The status ailments are often unusual and esoteric. Being homesick, getting a cold , feeling weird having a heatstroke. It makes solving weird but also memorable and distinct.
This desire to charm is experienced in locations and set pieces. When I tell you I dropped the game for years but still remember the the moment on the dinosaur across the sea, the shopping mall incident, the happy village, the carnival, fourside? It means that amidst frustration that Earthbound was able to create what are some of the best one off moments. Magicant man, MAGICANT. That area alone might be a top 3 JRPG sequence for me. We won’t even discuss the fresh and immaculately surreal soundtrack.
The way I put it for every reason to love Earthbound there is a reason to dislike it (BY THE WAY THE MONKEYS DESERVE DEATH). It’s charm was a double edged sword and was a barrier to play it. However on the other hand I think my gaming life is thoroughly better off for it. I definitely believe that a game like this probably plays better upon replays, and when my life is open for that… best believe I will take it. I think I would love it more.
I will end with this, Earthbound is a must play experience, comical, charming and nearly spiritual experience. I have never had an ending like that, although the frustration interrupted it, it might be a dose of optimism that I am grateful that God gave me to experience. Itoi gave us something. Oh and use a guide for your own sanity.

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2023
