Dusk HD 2023

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I think I'm usually decently averse to the idea of remasters or director's cuts or things along those lines. I think more often than not that reskinning something that's already been worked on, building a recreation of something from scratch, or even just fucking re-releasing stuff is always profit motivated. I hate that shit.

Dusk HD isn't that. Because it's free. They just made it for the sake of making it. It's a free mod that completely dressed up one of the best shooters I've ever played; the blocky textures and silly models are replaced with other blocky textures and silly models. I don't think it makes the game any better or worse, really. Still runs just as smooth and it's still Dusk. As long as those things remain intact, Dusk and what it represents to me in terms of artistry and appreciation for a familiar form (they just released the SDK, and a full DDK is on the way,) is the coolest shit out there.