While you could say elden ring is the best game Fromsoftware has made, personally bloodborne is easily their best.

The classic Fromsoft lore discovery from the souls series is intact here, and i think the world they have created is one of the best and most unique in gaming in general. The way it opens as a gothic horror setting with some bits of weirdness here and there before fully revealing its lovecraftian horror was really something special.

The enemies are various and dangerous but very manageable thanks to the combat system. This is very much like dark souls, with lock on, dodging and stamina to worry about. However where this majorly differs from souls and obtains its own identity is that shields are done away with (Except for the two borderline useless ones), being replaced by guns that you must use to parry an enemy right before their attacks land so they go into a vulnerable state for a visceral attack. The other main change is that weapons are known as trick weapons here, as they are able to transform into two forms. This can be more simple like a handaxe extending into a halberd and more out there like a sword turning into a large hammer or a cane turning into a bladed whip. Another element added is the rally mechanic which lets you regain health if you attack soon after getting hit yourself. All these factors combined encourage a more aggressive playstyle than in souls games, and are complemented well by the enemies who are also designed with this in mind. Rarely do deaths ever feel unfair in this game besides certain npcs (who approved the crow of cainhurst?)

The level design is immaculate, with multiple varied locations and laid out in a surprisingly interconnected way, also similar to dark souls 1, which makes exploration feel exciting and rewarding as you look for the promise of a lamp to rest at, or a shortcut to unlock.

Capping off what makes this game great and what may very well be the pinnacle of this game are its boss battles. For the most part these are very engaging tough battles, with each boss having very different movesets and quirks you may need to look out for like status effects or transforming mid fight. This is where the game also succeeds in making you feel your strongest as you must make use of the more aggressive playstyle to punish the bosses attacks with parries to deal big damage. This is topped off with an incredible soundtrack which, with the exception of a few areas and the hub, only plays during boss battles and really complements the boss and makes it feel epic.

Overall a near flawless game that has since only been matched by its own developer, i'd recommend it to anyone who likes games with a challenge.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2022
